Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wordpress Geo IP Plugin

     The Geo IP Plugin For Wordpress Is The Most Powerful and Effective Plugin For WP.  This plugin targets your audience from all over the globe.  Perfect for someone that runs a dating site or a ticket site.  Because their is no event ticket plugin that works well, this is the next best option.  When your visitors find you it's because of this plugin, we all know if your in the ticket business especially sporting event tickets or concert tickets designing a website can be expensive.  This gives you the power to attract more of those visitors that are going to the big name sites.  You can also use this GEO Plugin to maximize your readers attention!  No matter what your selling they will feel like your talking to them direct.  You can use the plugin within the context of each post or have it on a widget on the side of the blog.  It works flawlessly, if someone visits your site from Dallas Texas they will get all the Dallas news.  It's a snippet that goes in the post and that's it!  It can also go in the widget.  You can use it on all kinds of blogs to make the readers feel like this specific blog post was designed with them in mind.  The Wordpress Geo Plugin has a feel and presence like no other plugin you've used in the past.  It can also target a specific country!

     It works on all mobile devices making this plugin very strong!  If people view your website on their phones it becomes even more powerful.  You can even highlight the snippet so the reader feels more comfortable, we have many sites that love it.  There are many ticket blogs that use this to focus on a specific venue, but it will work on any wordpress blog.  If you have a dating site, an amazon site, a travel site you will see instant results.

     This GEO Plugin has the power to make you money right out of the gate.  You can use it in the title and watch your traffic explosion start to happen.  It's like having Free Targeted Traffic everyday you run this blog!  We use it on all of our blogs, you have to see it in action and how it can make you a lot of money.  It's the #1 Rated Plugin and the Best Plugin of it's time.  Now it's your turn to compete against the big boys and start making real money!  It's the most comprehensive plugin ever invented.  If your looking to target your visitors then give this a shot.  If you would like to know where your visitors are coming from then this is the perfect plugin.  This GEO Plugin by Wordpress gives YOU an unfair advantage over your competition.  You have the ability to make a lot of money by simply placing this plugin within your wp blog.
Watch It In Action Click Here